Easy Sweet or Savoury Crêpes


8 Servings

Milk 300 ml2
Egg 2
All-purpose flour 125 grams
Butter 40 grams


Make the batter

Beat eggs and mix together with a whisk. Slowly incorporate flour and milk and mix with the whisk.
Only when the first part of batter has formed, add more liquid and flour.
Be careful not to pour only milk or only flour because lumps will form! The crepe batter must be smooth, velvety, not overly dense and absolutely free of lumps.

Trick: If lumps have formed, it is because you have poured the ingredients too quickly, or the milk was too cold, in that case, blend everything with the help of a minipimer for just a few seconds!

Prepare the pan

The most important step in getting soft, elastic, intact waffles is the cooking process.

Heat a frying pan with a small piece of butter, swirl the pan so that the butter spreads.

Use a tissue of scottex to dab the grease and distribute it in the pan, this operation serves to eliminate the excess butter and create at the same time the right fat to grease the mixture.

Cook the crepes

Use a classic 9 cm diameter ladle to scoop out the batter. Pour a little over 1/2 ladle of batter into the hot pan, swirl immediately so that it spreads everywhere, including the edges, and let it cook 5 - 6 seconds.
Shake the pan, leave it on medium heat (never too high or it will burn). Let the crepe detach from the pan by itself, in less than half a minute it will be ready to be lifted with a spatula and flipped over.

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