Gluten free ravioli with ricotta and spinach filling


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For the dough
• 340g gluten free flour
• 60h buckwheat flour
• 4 tablespoons oil
• 4 eggs, medium
• 1 pinch of salt
• 4 tablespoons water
• 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum

For the ravioli filling
• 250g ricotta cheese (sheep milk best)
• 200g boiled, well drained spinach
• 30g grated parmesan cheese
• Salt to taste.
• Ground Pepper to taste
• Nutmeg to taste

For the dressing
• 80g of butter
•12 medium size sage
• grated Parmigiano

Make the dough

• Place both flours and a pinch of salt in a bowl and mix.
• Add the eggs, the oil, water and salt in the bowl and mix with the help of a fork for about 1 minute.
• Continue working the dough with your hands in the bowl for another 2 minutes. Make dough as
uniform as possible, then finish working on a pastry board for another couple of minutes.

Make the ricotta and spinach filling

• Rinse and dry fresh spinach leaves, and boil in salted water. Remove from heat, drain very well,
and tightly squeeze out all excess liquid with your hands. Mince finely on a chopping board.
• In a medium bowl add the ricotta, spinach, pepper, salt, nutmeg and the freshly grated Parmesan
cheese. Mix well until the blend is firm and well-amalgamated. There should be no excess liquid.

Prepare ravioli

• Gluten-free dough tends to be a bit crumbly. We suggest dividing it into fifty grams balls each.
• Roll out one at a time with the help of a rolling pin, until you reach thickness of less than 1 mm.
• Form round disks with the help of a glass or with a pasta mold.
• Put a teaspoon of filling in the center, place a second disc on top and press lightly to let air out.
• Seal the edges well, by pressing first with your fingers and then with the help of a fork.

Make the dressing sauce and complete the dish

• Cook ravioli in a large pot of salted water for 6 minutes. Set aside a bit of the pasta water.
• In a medium sautè pan, melt butter. Add sage leaves and reserved cooking liquid from pasta.
• Allow to cook for a few minutes, until sauce is thickened but not too dense.
• Add cooked ravioli to sauce, allow to blend together. Remove the pot from heat, add Parmesan
cheese and stir until creamy. Serve hot.

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