Prato style Cantucci (Biscotti di Prato)

Cantucci are the classic Italian biscuit, best served with vin santo, learn all about cantucci and its history via our blog!


• 350 g all-purpose flour
• 200 g granulated sugar
• 200 g whole almonds, skin on, lightly toasted
• 3 yellow medium eggs
• 60 g unsalted butter, room temperature

• 1 orange or lemon’s zest
• 2 g baking powder
• 1 pinch salt
• 1 egg white
• Vin Santo

Prepare the dough

• In large mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Combine well.
• Add eggs and toasted almonds, and mix well until all ingredients are combined fully.
• Cut room temperature butter into cubes, add orange/lemon’s zest to dough mixture, being sure
all ingredients are blended well, being careful not to mix too long as butter will loose its
consistency and dough will become overly sticky.

Bake the dough

• Preheat oven to 190°C.
• Divide prepared dough into four equal parts.
• Shape into cylinder or a tube shape approximately 4cm wide and slightly squash it.
• Place wax paper onto baking tray, and place each dough cylinder on top of lined tray.
• Brush with egg white and sprinkle with additional granulated sugar - during baking process the
sugar will caramelize and add extra crunch to the cantuccini.
• Bake in preheated oven for about 25 minutes.

Finish the cookies

• Remove baked cookies from oven and allow to cool 10 minutes.
• Slice them into pieces 2cm thick. These will become your cantuccini.
• Place cookies back into hot oven on baking tray and allow to cook another 10 minutes per side at
• Serve cookies at room temperature accompanied by Tuscan Vin Santo.


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