Béchamel sauce, or besciamella is a very common sauce in Italy, despite its French origins, and it is mainly used in the tradition of Emilia Romagna.
It is in fact a fundamental ingredient for many traditional Italian dishes, especially first courses such as lasagna, cannelloni, crepes and many more!
Milk 1 litre
Butter 100 grams
All-purpose flour 100 grams
Salt and Pepper as needed
Nutmeg as needed
Prepare the Roux
Melt the butter over low heat. When it melts completely, slowly add the flour.
Then form a roux, a uniform mixture, stirring and letting it all blend together.
Add the milk
Dilute the mixture with the previously heated milk, adding it in a trickle and stirring continuously to avoid creating lumps.
Stir until the sauce thickens. Then add salt and a grating of nutmeg and let the béchamel cook until it comes to a boil.
Reach desired consistency
Once it comes to a boil, allow it to cook to the desired consistency.
As mentioned, generally the consistency of béchamel should be thick for fillings or semi-liquid for toppings.